Housing and land purchase loans

Interest Rate: 14%
Such types of loan members will be provided for loan members to purchase land for personal purpose, to add property to the new home to buy new homes. The total wages of this kind of loan organization will not exceed the maximum 10 percent of the remaining debt.
1 This type of loan will be up to 5 years and Rs. 30 lakhs will be provided for maximum
2 grace time
This kind of loan can be provided for a maximum of 3 months. But during the time of Grace, the payment schedule should be made in the Kastarmasi table.
3 interest rate
In this title, the interest rate conductor committee will be in accordance with the timing of time.
4 payment method
Payment of debt will be done as a tender or monthly, quarterly, quarterly subscription.
1 This type of loan will be up to 5 years and Rs. 30 lakhs will be provided for maximum
2 grace time
This kind of loan can be provided for a maximum of 3 months. But during the time of Grace, the payment schedule should be made in the Kastarmasi table.
3 interest rate
In this title, the interest rate conductor committee will be in accordance with the timing of time.
4 payment method
Payment of debt will be done as a tender or monthly, quarterly, quarterly subscription.